Source code for synergine.core.simulation.mechanism.Mechanism

from synergine.core.exceptions import UselessMechanism
from synergine.lib.process.tool import get_chunk

[docs]class Mechanism(): """ Mechanism prepare data for associated events. The principle: One mechanism compute once what multiple events need. """ def __init__(self, events): self._events = events self._events_parameters = {}
[docs] def run(self, context): """ Prepare new mechanism cycle and return Action according to this mechanism events. :param context: :return: Actions to run this cycle :rtype: list (of Action objects) """ self._events_parameters = {} return self._run_events(context)
[docs] def _get_object_parameters(self, object_id, context): """ Return concerned object parameters for event. :param object_id: Concerned object if :param context: The Context :return: parameters who will be used by event """ if object_id not in self._events_parameters: self._events_parameters[object_id] = self._get_computed_object_event_parameters(object_id, context) return self._events_parameters[object_id]
[docs] def _run_events(self, context): """ Return Action according to this mechanism events. :param context: The Context :return: list (of Action) """ actions = [] for event in self._events: if context.get_cycle() % event.get_each_cycle() == 0 \ or (event.is_first_cycle_force() and context.get_cycle() == 1): concerned_objects_ids = get_chunk(context.get_total_chunk(), context.get_current_chunk_position(), context.metas.collections.get(event.get_concern(), allow_empty=True)) for object_id in concerned_objects_ids: try: event_parameters = self._get_object_parameters(object_id, context) event_actions = event.observe(object_id, context, event_parameters) for event_action in event_actions: actions.append(event_action) except UselessMechanism: pass # If mechanism useless on this object, don't observe. return actions
[docs] def _get_computed_object_event_parameters(self, object_id, context): """ (You must override this method in child-class.) Compute concerned object event parameters. :param object_id: Concerned object id :param context: The Context :return: Concerned object event parameters """ return {}