Source code for synergine_xyz.Context

from synergine.core.cycle.Context import Context as BaseContext
from synergine_xyz.cst import *

[docs]class Context(BaseContext): """ Context override offering 2D and 3D metas data exploitation methods. """
[docs] def get_objects_ids_near_point(self, point, distance=1): # TODO distance """ Return objects ids positioned around a point. :param point: (z, x, y) tuple :param distance: ! not used at the moment :return: list of ``SynergyObject`` ids :rtype: list """ objects_ids_arounds = [] for point_around in self.get_around_points_of_point(point): point_objects_ids = self.metas.list.get(POSITIONS, point_around, allow_empty=True) for object_id in point_objects_ids: objects_ids_arounds.append(object_id) return objects_ids_arounds
[docs] def get_objects_ids_by_position_near_point(self, point, distance=1): # TODO distance """ Return objects ids positioned around a point, ordered by positions. :param point: (z, x, y) tuple :param distance: ! not used at the moment :return: dict with by position key: list of ``SynergyObject`` ids """ objects_ids_arounds_by_point = {} for point_around in self.get_around_points_of_point(point): objects_ids_arounds_by_point[point_around] = [] point_objects_ids = self.metas.list.get(POSITIONS, point_around, allow_empty=True) for object_id in point_objects_ids: objects_ids_arounds_by_point[point_around].append(object_id) return objects_ids_arounds_by_point
# TODO: Ces methodes de points devrait etre ailleurs
[docs] def get_around_points_of(self, point, distance=1, exclude_start_point = True): """ Return positions around a point. :param point: (z, x, y) tuple :param distance: Distance to compute :return: list of (z, x, y) positions :rtype: list """ start_x = point[1] - distance start_y = point[2] - distance #start_z = point[0] - distance points = [] range_distance = (distance*2)+1 for dx in range(range_distance): for dy in range(range_distance): #for dz in range(range_distance): #points.append((start_z+dz, start_x+dx, start_y+dy)) points.append((0, start_x+dx, start_y+dy)) if exclude_start_point: points.remove(point) return points
[docs] def get_around_points_of_point(self, point, exclude_start_point=True): """ Return positions around a point with distance of 1. :param point: (z, x, y) tuple :return: list of (z, x, y) positions :rtype: list """ pos = point pz = pos[0] px = pos[1] py = pos[2] points = [ (pz, px-1, py-1), (pz, px, py-1), (pz, px+1, py+1), (pz, px-1, py ), (pz, px+1, py ), (pz, px-1, py+1), (pz, px, py+1), (pz, px+1, py-1) ] if not exclude_start_point: points.append(point) return points