Source code for synergine_xyz.mechanism.AroundMechanism

from synergine.core.exceptions import UselessMechanism
from synergine.core.simulation.mechanism.Mechanism import Mechanism
from synergine_xyz.cst import POSITION

[docs]class AroundMechanism(Mechanism): """ Compute near object ids of concerned object. """
[docs] def _get_computed_object_event_parameters(self, object_id, context): """ :param object_id: Concerned object id :param context: Context object :return: Near objects ids: {'objects_ids_near': [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]} :rtype: dict """ object_point = context.metas.value.get(POSITION, object_id) objects_ids_near = context.get_objects_ids_near_point(object_point, 1) # If we not have near object, this mechanism is useless. So we raise a UselessMechanism: Synergine will not # run associated events in this case. if not objects_ids_near: raise UselessMechanism() return {'objects_ids_near': objects_ids_near}